Our area was forecasted to receive 1" to 2" of snow last night. Nothing major. But as luck would have it, I needed a few items from the grocery store.
Thankfully, the weathermen hadn't spread panic through our local community and the store only had the usual crowd. But as I was leaving I heard someone exclaim, "It's snowing!"
Then I noticed the customer who exited just prior to myself. She started to trot as quickly as parking lot traffic and her high heels would permit her. She didn't slow down either once she approached her vehicle. She flung her car door open and proceeded to throw her recent purchases as fast as she could.
I was amazed. Why would anyone want to act in this manner? Oh, right it was snowing.
I took my sweet time strolling to my truck. Watching as the snowflakes fell from the sky with the wonder of a small child who was witnessing their first snow fall. It was glorious. I know I'm probably in the minority. But it's been so long since we had snow, even the small measly amount we received brought joy to my children. Too bad it will all be melted before they are dismissed from school.
If winter isn't your favorite season, what is?
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