Sunday, February 26, 2012

Without a post topic!

Oh dear whatever will I write about tonight...?

Well, let's see I could write about attending my eighth Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet.  Or that I now have three in a Boy Scout Troop.  Or the wonderful friends I've made with so many scout families over the years. 

"Eek, a Hairy Jumping Spider!!!
Or I could write about the fact that I've seen two hairy black spiders already and it is not even March yet!  One of my son's said his favorite season was Winter because of the lack of critters.  I've not been a fan of spiders for as long as I can remember.  I know they are good for gardens and eat bugs that can do damage to many plants... it's just well, they are just creepy!

Red and Maeve relaxing last summer.
Or I could write about how my goldens are such amazing pups!  Maeve has stopped looking for me to get the balls out from under the microwave cart.  Now she moves the cart out of her own way!  And Red has too learned to move objects out of her way too.  She has learned she can use her snout to move gates away from the walls and go anywhere she wants.  I thought it was because she wanted to get to me, but apparently I am not what she wants to see.  Because sitting here with her inside the gates she tried harder to move the gate *LOL*! My girls are getting so smart!

Well back to the Sunday night chore... laundry!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Without disorganization!

What would I do all day long if I didn't have to find or clean up stuff...!?!   I'd be a rich woman if I had a quarter (inflation!) every time I heard:

Kid:  "Mom, I can't find my sneakers (or coat, hat, shorts, pants, boots)."
Mom:  "Well, the last time I wore your sneakers I was ..."

Kid:  "Mom, have you seen my pencil--it's on the small side."
Mom:  "Are you talking about this tiny thing?!"

Kid:  "Mom, I can't find my Math book."
Mom:  "Well, the last time I saw it I had just put it on your dresser for safe keeping."

Kid:  "Mom, I don't think I should have to pick up the legos I didn't get them out." 
Mom:  "Well, you have a point. I guess I have to pick them up since I was the last person playing with them." 

*Jingle, Jingle* The sound all those quarters are making in my pocket!


Monday, February 20, 2012

Without Spring!

Well, after checking the local forecast I am making an assumption that I will need to get our lawn mower service very soon. With Spring flowers blossoming already in mid-February, I'm sure our lawn will be awakening and in need of mowing before the end of March.

I've learned one cliché, "the early bird gets the worm," or call the tractor service center ASAP because everyone else will be too.  And if I don't, it will be May before I can start mowing.  We learned this the hard way a few years ago.  I called to set up a preseason service appointment and there was a six (6) week wait.  Worse was the fact we had a dead battery, and when we tried to charge it we blew a device that had to be replaced.  Thankfully, we had a neighbor who loaned us their tractor and we were able to stay on top of our lawn.

So, to my To-do list I will be adding "call tractor service center."  Mind you there are only a few million other items that proceed this task.

Are you ready for Spring?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Without Red!

Ok, I was all set to write a post last night and our pup Red had another plan for me. I quickly set up my webcam to snap a few pictures of her, as you can see she really isn't a puppy anymore. Red is a two-year-old "Red" Golden Retriever. Weighing in at 85 lbs doesn't stop her from living her dream as a lap dog.

When Red is bored with her sister Maeve, she comes to me and puts one foot on my leg. I moved back from the laptop to give her my full attention. She took this as her cue to get comfortable and crawled across my entire lap. Sometimes she even feels like typing herself and paws at the keyboard. As you can see Red has an intense look on her face, almost contemplating as to what she could write about.

"Hmmm, let's see I could write about those darn cats in the neighborhood who seem to escape before I can catch them. No, no, I don't want to waste my time on them. Perhaps I could write about all the socks Amy doesn't know I've stashed away for safe keeping. Ha! She thinks the washer ate them. Only I know the truth--well, now you do too.

Perhaps the number of stuffed animals I can hold in my mouth at one time would be more interesting. You would be surprised at how flexible my jaw line is. I believe my record is four! Now, my sister Maeve can only hold a tennis ball with a softball in her mouth. Funny our humans think she has impressive talents doing that! Humph! I say four stuff animals, trumps two balls any day! Don't you agree?"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Without the realization I missed something.

I found a second window to compose blog entries tonight.  It has a few more features that the first window didn't!

Like there is seven fonts.  And the fonts come in five sizes: smallest, small, normal, large, and largest!

There are several colors too!  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Magenta to start.  The colors come in a variety of shades from light to dark.  I may just have to paint a picture for my blog readers with a few X's and O's!

It's amazing when you stumble upon neat accessories not realizing all there is hidden behind "curtain number 2!"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Without dead batteries!

Isn't it grand to reach for something--like your cell phone, remote, or laptop--only to realize the batteries are dead. I realized more and more of the items we use daily either have a power source that must be charged on a regular basis or take AA batteries.

I guess my recommendation to any young couple who has children is to invest in batteries that you can charge when they run out of power. I know it's still not too late for us to do the same.

There is another battery I was thinking of when I started this entry tho. My battery. So that I can recharge my battery, and keep it charged... I'm going to make another life-changing-resolution. In bed by 10pm when evening activities permit. Of course I will be starting tomorrow night since it's almost 11 now.

To achieve that though, I'm going to have to succeed in finishing more laundry (yes, that dirty word again) during the quiet hours of the day. LOL! This would ensure I wouldn't have to stay up (like I am now) to dry all the clothes I'm washing or have washed; as well fold them. Because dry warm clothes laying in a basket only wrinkle. Then I would have to (gasp) IRON!

Perhaps I'll also try to take our girls (pups) outside more, since the weather seems to be in a warming pattern again. Our trouble-maker, aka Red, has taken to showing me how displeased she is that we haven't been playing outside daily.

Look for my mid-day posts starting tomorrow!

Without a little creativity!

Morning blog fans!

I was being creative decorating my kitchen with a banner for my family.

Enjoy your Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Without writer's block!

Normally I sit down and something during my long days has been the inspiration for my blog posts. Although, probably by the time I finish this post I would rename the title "Without rambling!"

Well let's see I could write about the vanilla cupcakes with vanilla and chocolate frosting I bought today at a church bake sale. They weren't plain vanilla cupcakes--they were lemon flavor and frosted with lemon frosting AND vanilla cupcakes with sprinkles in the batter frosted with chocolate frosting. How did I find out? One of the kids tried one of each and was sadly disappointed.

Or I could write about how I dislike finding a great movie and then having to suffer through the unusual-not-necessary-needed-item info-commercials and trailers for how-did-they-get-someone-to-buy-such-a-horrendous-idea-and-make-it-into-a-movie. So CHEESY some of them are--It's a wonder I can sit through them to watch the movies I love!

Or I could write about the fact that I am extremely but slowly making progress around the house... I did manage to clean out two cupboards. It's a start! And every time I open them to grab something--I stop, admire my hard work and SMILE!

Or I could write about laundry, yeah, I'm still knee-deep in dirty clothes! I want to know who boosted their reproductiveness--oh that's easy that would be my family and the pups. Perhaps the weather too!
Someday, I'll catch up.

Speaking of weather, oh my gosh... we received a cold blast of arctic freezing winds. So the snow we received--yeah we got yet another dusting--it's frozen and crunchy. But this too will pass, and melt again... the temperature is going up oh 40 or 50 degrees in a week's time.

So next Sunday, when I sit down to write I should have ample material... I mean there is always something the pups or the kids have done to supply me with a long list of topics, right? Right!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Without energetic pups!

We recently had our roof replaced. One of the stipulations of the contract was to keep all pets and children indoors and away from the workers.

Keeping our children out of harms way was the easy part--they were at school for the majority of the time frame the roofers ripped off the old shingles and installed the new roof.

However, the pups were a different challenge. Red is a curious dog, she loves to explore counter tops and tables. She steals socks, whole tissue boxes, head sets, ace bandages, baggies of food or anything else she deems interesting. For instance, a terra cotta flower pot one of the kids had decorated to look like a bunny. Red's curiosity got the better of her and she snagged it off the counter. She grabbed the fuzzy-ball-tail and it smashed into several pieces.

The loud noises that the roofers were making drew Red to the windows in the kitchen. She tried to peak under the pull shades covering the windows. I raised them slightly giving her able view of the backyard. Red bark a few times at the workers. Probably telling them, "Hey, I'm in here and I'm watching you." Maeve on the other hand headed to her kennel with ball in mouth and curled up. She was content to just hang in there.

After scolding the workers, Red decided to pester Maeve. Into the Maeve's kennel Red lumbered in and started to poke at Maeve with her snout. Maeve got up and came out. They wrestled over the ball some, then Maeve decided she had enough but this time headed into Red's kennel.

Then a most unusual thing occurred (ok, in my humble opinion)... Red gently pushed her own kennel door shut with her nose, while Maeve was still in the kennel. I began to laugh hysterically until my ribs hurt. Maeve didn't take kindly to her sister shutting her in a kennel, she jumped and came out ready for another round of wrestling on the kitchen floor.

Just watching them have fun made me forget about the constant banging for a few moments...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Without realizing it's the Witching Hour!

I had a whole different entry I was going to type up tonight and then I visited my kid's high school website. I was overwhelmed with the content on the home page. There is content in so many different colors, size and styles it makes me dizzy. I'm not sure who is behind it, but they need to invest in an editor with a spell checker.

So I decided to give them feedback... there was a button, I clicked it, filled in the form. Submitted it by selecting the submit button. A nice window popped up saying "Thank you for your feedback" with a close button. So I clicked the closed button oh half dozen times, then a dozen more... NOTHING HAPPENED! Java script doesn't appear to be working tonight either. Am I surprised? NOPE!

As George use to say, "Say good night Gracie."
And Gracie would say, "Good Night Gracie."

Without Snow!

Our area was forecasted to receive 1" to 2" of snow last night. Nothing major. But as luck would have it, I needed a few items from the grocery store.

Thankfully, the weathermen hadn't spread panic through our local community and the store only had the usual crowd. But as I was leaving I heard someone exclaim, "It's snowing!"

Then I noticed the customer who exited just prior to myself. She started to trot as quickly as parking lot traffic and her high heels would permit her. She didn't slow down either once she approached her vehicle. She flung her car door open and proceeded to throw her recent purchases as fast as she could.

I was amazed. Why would anyone want to act in this manner? Oh, right it was snowing.

I took my sweet time strolling to my truck. Watching as the snowflakes fell from the sky with the wonder of a small child who was witnessing their first snow fall. It was glorious. I know I'm probably in the minority. But it's been so long since we had snow, even the small measly amount we received brought joy to my children. Too bad it will all be melted before they are dismissed from school.

If winter isn't your favorite season, what is?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Without Maxine!

Tonight I stumbled upon several gut-busting-Maxine cartoons. You can find them either on Facebook or go directly to her site and view them for yourself.

Grab a cup of tea or coffee or perhaps hot cocoa... Then run to the bathroom (I don't want to be responsible for any accidents)... And finally check out Maxine.

Let me know if you didn't chuckle, snicker, or giggle just once.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Without laundry!

Oh my word, I swear we put two socks in the hamper and we end up with a dozen. Of course, we lose those newly reproduced socks in the washer or dryer.

Also somehow every t-shirt, pair of underwear, sweatshirts and jeans all end up dirty at once... and the owners of said items don't realize they are wearing the last clean one. When do the tell the laundry lady (aka "me") when they hunting in their closet or dresser for another one.

Now they should realize only mass reproducing happens in the hamper but once items are clean, they drastically decrease in number to an alarming state of extinction.

Tonight my girls (aka "Red and Maeve") are helping me with the laundry. Red is stealing socks the minute my back is turned. Maeve is dropping balls in the towel pile for our game of hide and seek later.

Without football!

Oh man did you see that game! That's what playing a sport is about. Giving it everything you got, and holding nothing back. It was intense! I enjoyed the game this year far more than the commercials.

Don't get me wrong, there were some good commercials like the M&Ms and the "missing cat" Doritos ads. But I feel for the most part I wasn't wow'd like I've been in past years.

Check back later for another post!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Without Social Studies Projects!

Tonight is the evening of Day 4 of my challenge to myself to keep blogging daily. If you read my first post today you know that I failed to post last night. Well, before crashing tonight I'm posting about my middle son's Social Studies Project.

He and a classmate chose the twelve Olympian Gods and Goddesses of Greek Mythology. The kids are amazing with what they are doing with a few Popsicle sticks, match sticks, aluminum foil, and modeling clay. Though, what mystifies me more is that my kid knows all sorts of interesting details about the Gods and Goddesses... and can name them all. Could you for the fun of it?

If you think you can, write them down and then check the link above... Let me know how many you were able to name.

Without succumbing to exhaustion!

So my best laid plans of posting to my blog daily were thrown out the window by exhaustion... So today I'll be writing two! Yes two blog entries.

I'm thinking bears who hibernate have a good idea. Sleep endlessly for the winter, wake up refreshed in the spring!

Think about it. Wouldn't it be wonderful to not interrupt dreams with the dreaded "snooze" button. You'd finally be able to see where your subconscious was leading you. Perhaps that solution to a difficult problem would present itself to you. "Now, where did I bury that last bone . . . ?"

*Beep, beep, beep*

"Ah, man... it was all a dream!"

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Without trying something new!

Today I realized I don't know it all... about Facebook.

I updated a Facebook page for Amelia Grey. I learned how to edit an existing app. Which was made easy by the fact that I know html code. To some it may look like Greek, but I understand the shorthand. Guess that comes from the "Good Old Days..." of learning programming languages such as Basic and C.

A shout out goes to Chris Redding, Jenn Nixon and April Kihlstrom who all helped me! Thanks ladies!

What did you try today?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Without starting over... *again*

How many of you make the same resolutions every year on New Year's Eve?

Well I fell for it again and made all those resolutions about exercising more, eating better, writing daily blogs and/or posts, reading for the pure enjoyment of it, and of course purging then organizing every room in the house.


It's February 1st and it doesn't seem I made very much progress.

I've been walking now and again; because Old Man Winter has taken a vacation from visiting the east coast this year. But I could still exercise more.

I've been eating better, more wheat less white; and more fruits and vegetables less sugary sweats. But I guess I could eat smaller portions.

I've thought about blogging and I have posted to my FB page now and again. But I'd like to craft articles and perhaps a story or two and share it with others on my blog.

I've been reading books when time permits by Lynn Kurland and Amelia Grey. And when it doesn't I've started to listen to audio books too! But just last week I listened to Dogs and Goddesses by Jennifer Crusie, Anne Stuart and Lani Diane Rich.

I do have one closet 50% purged and organized! *Yeah ME!* But there is still 99% of the house that needs to be purged and organized... There is no time like the now to get started... it's never too late!

Where's your New Year's Resolution List... is it under a pile of to do's? Or is it posted on a cork board with check marks? What's left on your list?